Εργαστήριο Μοριακής Νευροβιολογίας και Ανοσολογίας

lab mor neurobiol anosol
Paraskevi Zisimopoulou

Παρασκευή Ζησιμοπούλου

Κατ’ ανάθεση Γενική Διευθύντρια
Διευθύντρια Ερευνών
Εργαστήριο Μοριακής Νευροβιολογίας και Ανοσολογίας

Το Εργαστήριό μας δραστηριοποιείται στο χώρο της Έρευνας για περισσότερες από τρεις δεκαετίες (πρώην Υπεύθυνος Εργαστηρίου καθ. Σ. Τζάρτος) και αποτελείται από δύο ερευνητικές ομάδες: α) Διάγνωση και Θεραπεία Νευροανοσολογικών Διαταραχών με Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνη την Δρ. Π. Ζησιμοπούλου και β) Δομική Νευροβιολογία με Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνο τον Δρ Μ. Ζουριδάκη.

Στο ερευνητικό επίκεντρο της ομάδας της Δρ. Ζησιμοπούλου είναι η διάγνωση αυτοάνοσων νευρολογικών νοσημάτων μέσω της ταυτοποίησης νέων αντιγόνων και της ανάπτυξης διαγνωστικών δοκιμασιών. Στα ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα της ομάδας ανήκει και ο χαρακτηρισμός των νέων αυτοαντιγόνων με στόχο την καλύτερη κατανόηση της νόσου και την ανάπτυξη εξειδικευμένων θεραπειών. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, τα τελευταία χρόνια οι προτεραιότητες της Ε.Υ. ήταν

Ο χαρακτηρισμός των αυτοαντισωμάτων στη μυασθένεια.

Η μυασθένεια είναι μια αυτοάνοση νευρολογική διαταραχή, που προκαλείται κυρίως από αυτοαντισώματα που στοχεύουν τον μυϊκό νικοτινικό υποδοχέα της ακετυλοχολίνης (nAChR). Η εμφάνιση της νόσου είναι ετερογενής και ο τίτλος των αντισωμάτων δεν συσχετίζεται με τη βαρύτητα της νόσου. Διερευνούμε εάν ορισμένες από τις διαφορές που παρατηρούνται στα κλινικά συμπτώματα μεταξύ ασθενών με τον ίδιο τίτλο αυτοαντισωμάτων συσχετίζονται με την παρουσία αυτοαντισωμάτων που στοχεύουν διαφορετικές υπομονάδες του υποδοχέα.

Η συμμετοχή του νευρωνικού nAChR στην αυτοανοσία.

Οι nAChRs είναι δίαυλοι ιόντων που ενεργοποιούνται από πρόσδεμα και μεσολαβούν στη μεταγωγή χημειοηλεκτρικών σημάτων σε όλο το νευρικό σύστημα, ανοίγοντας εγγενείς ιοντικούς διαύλους. Διανέμονται ευρέως στο κεντρικό και περιφερικό νευρικό σύστημα. Έχουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην άμεση διέγερση όχι μόνο των προ- και μετασυναπτικών νευρώνων, αλλά και στη ρύθμιση της ροής του αίματος. Για πολλά χρόνια διερευνάται η συμμετοχή των nAChRs σε γνωστές νευρολογικές διαταραχές όπως η σχιζοφρένεια, ο εθισμός, η νόσος του Αλτσχάιμερ και η νόσος του Πάρκινσον.

Τα τελευταία χρόνια προσπαθούμε να αποσαφηνίσουμε τον ρόλο διαφορετικών υποτύπων nAChR στον εκφυλισμό των νευρώνων που σχετίζονται με διάφορες νευροεκφυλιστικές ασθένειες. Ανοσοποιήσαμε ποντίκια με τις εξωκυτταρικές περιοχές αρκετών υπομονάδων nAChR (β2, α4, α3, α7, α5) και τα υποβάλαμε σε φαινοτυπική και συμπεριφορική ανάλυση. Επιπλέον, διερευνούμε την επίδραση των αντισωμάτων σε εγκέφαλο, νωτιαίο μυελό και διάφορους μη νευρικούς ιστούς.

Η ανάπτυξη αναλύσεων για την ανίχνευση αυτοαντισωμάτων έναντι των υποδοχέων ακετυλοχολίνης. Τόσο οι νευρωνικοί nAChRs όσο και οι μουσκαρινικοί υποδοχείς ακετυλοχολίνης (mAChRs) κατανέμονται σε όλο το κεντρικό και περιφερικό νευρικό σύστημα, όπου παίζουν κρίσιμο ρόλο στη νευροδιαβίβαση. Υποθέτουμε ότι σε ορούς από ασθενείς με αυτοάνοση εγκεφαλίτιδα και συναφή σύνδρομα, υπάρχουν αυτοαντισώματα που στοχεύουν αυτούς τους υποδοχείς. Αναπτύσσουμε  νέες διαγνωστικές δοκιμασίες (δηλ. κυτταρικές δοκιμασίες-CBA, ELISA), κατάλληλες για την ανίχνευση των σχετικών αυτοαντισωμάτων ώστε να χρησιμοποιηθούν στον έλεγχο ορών και ΕΝΥ από τη συγκεκριμένη ομάδα ασθενών.

Τέλος, λόγω της πανδημίας, και οι δύο ερευνητικές ομάδες εργάστηκαν για την έκφραση και τον χαρακτηρισμό των παραλλαγών RBD του COVID-19. Οι εκφρασμένες πρωτεΐνες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν σε δοκιμές κρυστάλλωσης και στον προσδιορισμό των ειδικών αντισωμάτων σε ορούς εμβολιασμένων ατόμων.

Το επίκεντρο του ερευνητικού ενδιαφέροντος της ομάδας του Δρ. Ζουριδάκη είναι η αποκρυπτογράφηση της κρυσταλλικής δομής διαφόρων πρωτεϊνών φαρμακολογικού ενδιαφέροντος καθώς και των δομών τους με διάφορους προδέτες (πχ. χημικά μόρια, πεπτίδια) ή/και με αντισώματα που αποτελούν εν δυνάμει φάρμακα για την θεραπεία σχετικών ασθενειών. Επιπλέον, μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει η αποκρυπτογράφηση των λειτουργικών μηχανισμών των υπό μελέτη πρωτεϊνικών μορίων μέσω δομο-επαγώμενης μεταλλαξογένεσης και επακόλουθων λειτουργικών δοκιμασιών. Επίσης, σε συνεργασία με την ερευνητική ομάδα Διάγνωσης και Θεραπείας Νευροανασοσολικών Διαταραχών που αποτελεί την άλλη ομάδα του Εργαστηρίου Μοριακής Νευροβιολογίας και Ανοσολογίας, ορισμένες από τις ανασυνδυασμένες πρωτεΐνες που χρησιμοποιούνται για δομικές μελέτες χρησιμεύουν ως αντιγόνα για την ανάπτυξη διαγνωστικών δοκιμασιών.

Κύρια ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα της ομάδας:

Δομικές μελέτες ιοντικών καναλιών ενεργοποιούμενων από προσδέτη. Ένας κύριος στόχος μας για την αποσαφήνιση της τρισδιάστατης δομής του είναι οι ανθρώπινοι νευρωνικοί νικοτινικοί υποδοχείς ακετυλοχολίνης (nAChRs). Οι νευρωνικοί nAChRs ρυθμίζουν τη νευρωνική διεγερσιμότητα και την απελευθέρωση νευροδιαβιβαστών του Κεντρικού Νευρικού Συστήματος. Συγκροτούν διάφορους υπότυπους πενταμερών μορίων που προκύπτουν από συνδυασμούς μεταξύ έντεκα υπομονάδων (α2-α7, α9, α10, β2-β4), καθένας με διακριτές φαρμακολογικές και ηλεκτροφυσιολογικές ιδιότητες. Είναι υπεύθυνοι για τον εθισμό στη νικοτίνη και εμπλέκονται σε πολλές νευρολογικές ασθένειες και διαταραχές (π.χ. Αλτσχάιμερ και Πάρκινσον, αυτισμός, σχιζοφρένεια). Είναι ενδιαφέρον ότι διάφοροι νευρωνικοί nAChRs (π.χ. α7, α9, α10) υπάρχουν επίσης και εκτός του νευρικού συστήματος, όπως σε κύτταρα του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος, κύτταρα μαστού και πνεύμονα, κερατινοκύτταρα, κ.λπ., όπου έχει βρεθεί ότι παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στη φλεγμονή και σε διάφορους τύπους καρκίνου. Η αποσαφήνιση της δομής των νευρωνικών nAChRs στις ελεύθερες μορφές τους καθώς και σε σύμπλοκα με προσδέτη απαιτείται για το σχεδιασμό ειδικών φαρμάκων έναντι των διφορετικών υποτύπων και για την κατανόηση των λειτουργικών μηχανισμών τους. Επίσης, στα ενδιαφέροντά μας εμπίπτουν και δομικές μελέτες του ανθρώπινου μυϊκούς nAChR (το αυτοαντιγόνο στη νόσο της μυασθένειας gravis) με νέες νευροτοξίνες και περιοχές Fab μονοκλωνικών αντισωμάτων.

Δομικές μελέτες του υποδοχέα ACE2. Ορμώμενη από την πανδημία COVID-19, η ομάδα έχει ξεκινήσει προσπάθειες για την αποσαφήνιση των κρυσταλλικών δομών του ανθρώπινου υποδοχέα του μετατρεπτικού ενζύμου αγγειοτενσίνης 2 (ACE2), που αποτελεί το σημείο εισόδου του SARS-CoV2 στα κύτταρα, με τα σύμπλοκά του με τις περιοχές πρόσδεσης (RBD) της πρωτεϊνης ακίδας του κορωνοϊού. Οι μελέτες αυτές διεξάγονται με ανασυνδυασμένα μόρια RBDs τόσο του αρχικού στελέχους που εμφανίστηκε στη Wuhan, όσο και των αναδυόμενων μεταλλαγμένων στελεχών. Επιπλέον, η ομάδα ενδιαφέρεται για δομικές μελέτες των υποδοχέων ACE2 και ACE με νέους αναστολείς προκειμένου να παράσχει τη δομική βάση για το σχεδιασμό νέων προσδεμάτων (αναστολέων ή ενισχυτών) του Συστήματος Ρενίνης-Αγγειοτενσίνης-Αλδοστερόνης (RAAS) για τη ρύθμιση της αρτηριακής πίεσης και της ισορροπίας των υγρών του οργανισμού. Επιπρόσθετα, η ομάδα παρέχει τις ανασυνδυασμένες RBD και ACE2 πρωτεΐνες στην άλλη ομάδα του Εργαστηρίου (Διάγνωση και Θεραπεία Νευροανασοσολικών Διαταραχών) για την ανάπτυξη διαγνωστικών τεστ ανίχνευσης αντισωμάτων σε εμβολιασμένους και νοσούντες.

Λειτουργικές μελέτες υποδοχέων και ενζύμων. Η ομάδα ενδιαφέρεται να συμπληρώσει τα δομικά της ευρήματα με λειτουργικές μελέτες. Για τους nAChRs, η ομάδα μελετά τις φαρμακολογικές τους ιδιότητες και την επίδραση νέων προσδεμάτων με πειράματα δέσμευσης σημασμένων προσδετών και με την τεχνική παγίδευσης τάσης δύο ηλεκτροδίων, ενώ για το ένζυμο ACE2 η ομάδα μελετά την επίδραση δυνητικά νέων αναστολέων (ή ενισχυτών) με κλασικές μελέτες κινητικής. Επίσης, μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει η ανακάλυψη αυτοαντισωμάτων κατά των νευρωνικών nAChR σε αρκετές παθήσεις του νευρικού συστήματος όπως σχιζοφρένεια, διπολικές διαταραχές, επιληψία κ.λπ., σε συνεργασία με την άλλη ερευνητική ομάδα του εργαστηρίου και με εξωτερικούς συνεργάτες.

Ongoing Research Support

Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, European Union and Greek national funds, Biomarkers in autoimmune neurological dieseases, NeuroMarkers, MIS 5032815, 2018-2021

Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, European Union and Greek national funds, Effectiveness of terrestrial and marine plant extracts for the prevention and treatment of parasite infections (Microcotyle spp, Myxosporea) and of myxobacteriosis in cultured Sea bream (Sparus aurata L.), AltMedSea-bream, MIS 5055881, 2020-2022

Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Development of innovative biological products and services for infectious and neurodegenerative diseases, 2017-2021

Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) Project, Structural and functional studies of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, StruNic, code number 677, 2018-2022

Completed Research Support

Bilateral R&D Cooperation between Greece and Israel, Development of tools for Understanding and Diagnosis of Neuroimmune Disorders, NeuroID/3257, 2013-2015

EU Grants:

FP7. Neurotransmitter Cys-loop receptors: structure, function and disease. 2008-13

FP7. Fight-MG. Myasthenias, a group of immune mediated neurological diseases: from etiology to therapy. 2009-13

FP7-Regpot. Development of a center of excellence in Neurosignaling. 2010-13

Grants from other international sources:

AFM. Characterization of autoantibody subgroups in myasthenia gravis. 2006-07

MDA USA. Antigen-specific therapeutic autoantibody depletion in myasthenia gravis. 2010-12

MDA USA. Diagnosis and characterization of LRP4-MG, a novel myasthenia gravis subtype. 2013-16

AFM. Diagnosis, prevalence and characterization of a novel myasthenia gravis subtype, LRP4-MG. 2013-15

Grants from Greek sources:

ARISTEIA, Myasthenia Gravis, 2012-15


Topaloudi A, Zagoriti Z, Flint AC, Martinez MB, Yang Z, Tsetsos F, Christou YP, Lagoumintzis G, Yannaki E, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Tzartos J, Tsekmekidou X, Kotsa K, Maltezos E, Papanas N, Papazoglou D, Passadakis P, Roumeliotis A, Roumeliotis S, Theodoridis M, Thodis E, Panagoutsos S, Yovos J, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Poulas K, Kleopa K, Tzartos S, Georgitsi M, Paschou P.J Myasthenia gravis genome-wide association study implicates AGRN as a risk locus. Med Genet. 2021 Aug 16:jmedgenet-2021-107953. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2021-107953. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34400559

Chiniadis L, Giastas P, Bratsos I, Papakyriakou A. Insights into the Protein Ruthenation Mechanism by Antimetastatic Metallodrugs: High-Resolution X-ray Structures of the Adduct Formed between Hen Egg-White Lysozyme and NAMI-A at Various Time Points. Inorg Chem. 2021 Jul 19;60(14):10729-10737. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c01441. Epub 2021 Jul 1.PMID: 34197115

Muñoz U, Sebal C, Escudero E, Esiri M, Tzartos J, Sloan C, Sadaba MC. Main Role of Antibodies in Demyelination and Axonal Damage in Multiple Sclerosis. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2021 Feb 24. doi: 10.1007/s10571-021-01059-6. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33625628

Koneczny I, Yilmaz V, Lazaridis K, Tzartos J, Lenz TL, Tzartos S, Tüzün E, Leypoldt F. Common Denominators in the Immunobiology of IgG4 Autoimmune Diseases: What Do Glomerulonephritis, Pemphigus Vulgaris, Myasthenia Gravis, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Autoimmune Encephalitis Have in Common? Front Immunol. 2021 Jan 29;11:605214. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.605214. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33584677 Free PMC article. Review.

Zouvelou V, Michail M, Belimezi M, Zisimopoulou P. Subunit specificity of the acetylcholine receptor antibodies in double seropositive myasthenia gravis. Muscle Nerve. 2021 Apr;63(4):E36-E37. doi: 10.1002/mus.27177. Epub 2021 Feb 5.PMID: 33471417 No abstract available.


Lazaridis K, Tzartos SJ. Myasthenia Gravis: Autoantibody Specificities and Their Role in MG Management. Front Neurol. 2020 Nov 30;11:596981. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.596981. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33329350 Free PMC article. Review.

Yilmaz V, Ulusoy C, Hajtovic S, Turkoglu R, Kurtuncu M, Tzartos J, Lazaridis K, Tuzun E. Effects of Teriflunomide on B Cell Subsets in MuSK-Induced Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis and Multiple Sclerosis. Immunol Invest. 2021 Aug;50(6):671-684. doi: 10.1080/08820139.2020.1785491. Epub 2020 Jun 29.PMID: 32597289 Clinical Trial.

Savaş M, Tzartos J, Küçükali Cİ, Dursun E, Karagiorgou K, Gezen-Ak D, Türkdoğan D, Papaconstantinou A, Başoğlu S, Hacıhafızoğlu N, Kutlubay B, Tzartos S, Tüzün E. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-antibody in children with focal seizures of undetermined cause.Acta Neurol Belg. 2021 Oct;121(5):1275-1280. doi: 10.1007/s13760-020-01361-y. Epub 2020 Apr 24.PMID: 32333263

Yetimler B, Tzartos J, Şengül B, Dursun E, Ulukan Ç, Karagiorgou K, Gezen-Ak D, Sezgin M, Papaconstantinou A, Tzartos S, Orhan EK, Ekizoğlu E, Küçükali Cİ, Baykan B, Tüzün E. Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-antibody in idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Int J Neurosci. 2021 Aug;131(8):775-779. doi: 10.1080/00207454.2020.1758084. Epub 2020 Apr 28.PMID: 32303142

Chiniadis L, Bratsos I, Bethanis K, Karpusas M, Giastas P, Papakyriakou A. High-resolution crystal structures of a "half sandwich"-type Ru(II) coordination compound bound to hen egg-white lysozyme and proteinase K. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2020 Jun;25(4):635-645. doi: 10.1007/s00775-020-01786-z. Epub 2020 Apr 8.PMID: 32266561

Lazaridis K, Tzartos SJ. Autoantibody Specificities in Myasthenia Gravis; Implications for Improved Diagnostics and Therapeutics. Front Immunol. 2020 Feb 14;11:212. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00212. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32117321 Free PMC article. Review.

Tzartos JS, Karagiorgou K, Tzanetakos D, Breza M, Evangelopoulos ME, Pelidou SH, Bakirtzis C, Nikolaidis I, Koutsis G, Notas K, Chroni E, Markakis I, Grigoriadis NC, Anagnostouli M, Orologas A, Parisis D, Karapanayiotides T, Papadimitriou D, Kostadima V, Elloul J, Xidakis I, Maris T, Zisimopoulou P, Tzartos S, Kilidireas C. Deciphering anti-MOG IgG antibodies: Clinical and radiological spectrum, and comparison of antibody detection assays. J Neurol Sci. 2020 Mar 15;410:116673. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2020.116673. Epub 2020 Jan 7.PMID: 31954354


Lazaridis K, Baltatzidou V, Tektonidis N, Tzartos SJ. Antigen-specific immunoadsorption of MuSK autoantibodies as a treatment of MuSK-induced experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis. J Neuroimmunol. 2020 Feb 15;339:577136. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2019.577136. Epub 2019 Dec 16.PMID: 31855721

Lebedev DS, Kryukova EV, Ivanov IA, Egorova NS, Timofeev ND, Spirova EN, Tufanova EY, Siniavin AE, Kudryavtsev DS, Kasheverov IE, Zouridakis M, Katsarava R, Zavradashvili N, Iagorshvili I, Tzartos SJ, Tsetlin VI. Oligoarginine Peptides, a New Family of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Inhibitors. Mol Pharmacol. 2019 Nov;96(5):664-673. doi: 10.1124/mol.119.117713. Epub 2019 Sep 6.PMID: 31492697

Zouridakis M, Papakyriakou A, Ivanov IA, Kasheverov IE, Tsetlin V, Tzartos S, Giastas P. Crystal Structure of the Monomeric Extracellular Domain of α9 Nicotinic Receptor Subunit in Complex With α-Conotoxin RgIA: Molecular Dynamics Insights Into RgIA Binding to α9α10 Nicotinic Receptors. Front Pharmacol. 2019 May 1;10:474. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00474. eCollection 2019.PMID: 31118896 Free PMC article.

Gilhus NE, Tzartos S, Evoli A, Palace J, Burns TM, Verschuuren JJGM. Myasthenia gravis. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2019 May 2;5(1):30. doi: 10.1038/s41572-019-0079-y.PMID: 31048702 Review.

Andreou A, Giastas P, Arnaouteli S, Tzanodaskalaki M, Tzartos SJ, Bethanis K, Bouriotis V, Eliopoulos EE. The putative polysaccharide deacetylase Ba0331: cloning, expression, crystallization and structure determination.Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2019 Apr 1;75(Pt 4):312-320. doi: 10.1107/S2053230X19001766. Epub 2019 Apr 3.PMID: 30950833 Free PMC article.

Koneczny I, Rennspiess D, Marcuse F, Dankerlui N, Abdul Hamid M, Mané-Damas M, Maessen J, Van Schil P, Saxena A, Zisimopoulou P, Lazaridis K, Woodhall M, Karagiorgou K, Tzartos J, Tzartos S, De Baets MH, Molenaar PC, Marx A, Zur Hausen A, Losen M, Martinez-Martinez P. Characterization of the thymus in Lrp4 myasthenia gravis: Four cases. Autoimmun Rev. 2019 Jan;18(1):50-55. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2018.07.011. Epub 2018 Nov 8.PMID: 30414949


Kryukova EV, Ivanov IA, Lebedev DS, Spirova EN, Egorova NS, Zouridakis M, Kasheverov IE, Tzartos SJ, Tsetlin VI. Orthosteric and/or Allosteric Binding of α-Conotoxins to Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Their Models. Mar Drugs. 2018 Nov 22;16(12):460. doi: 10.3390/md16120460.PMID: 30469507 Free PMC article.

Tüzün E, Gezen-Ak D, Tzartos J, Dursun E, Giriş M, Zisimopoulou P, Karagiorgou K, Yetimler B, Küçükali Cİ, İdrisoğlu HA. LRP4 antibody positive amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients display neuropil-reactive IgG and enhanced serum complement levels. Immunol Lett. 2018 Nov;203:54-56. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2018.09.011. Epub 2018 Sep 15.PMID: 30227179 No abstract available.

Andreou A, Giastas P, Christoforides E, Eliopoulos EE. Structural and Evolutionary Insights within the Polysaccharide Deacetylase Gene Family of Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus. Genes (Basel). 2018 Jul 31;9(8):386. doi: 10.3390/genes9080386.PMID: 30065210 Free PMC article.

Trakas N, Tzartos SJ. Immunostick ELISA for rapid and easy diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. J Immunol Methods. 2018 Sep;460:107-112. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2018.06.016. Epub 2018 Jul 2.PMID: 30056940

Wonnacott S, Bermudez I, Millar NS, Tzartos SJ. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Br J Pharmacol. 2018 Jun;175(11):1785-1788. doi: 10.1111/bph.14209.PMID: 29878346 Free PMC article.

Zagoriti Z, Lagoumintzis G, Perroni G, Papathanasiou G, Papadakis A, Ambrogi V, Mineo TC, Tzartos JS, Poulas K. Evidence for association of STAT4 and IL12RB2 variants with Myasthenia gravis susceptibility: What is the effect on gene expression in thymus? J Neuroimmunol. 2018 Jun 15;319:93-99. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2018.03.008. Epub 2018 Mar 17.PMID: 29576322

Giastas P, Andreou A, Papakyriakou A, Koutsioulis D, Balomenou S, Tzartos SJ, Bouriotis V, Eliopoulos EE. Structures of the Peptidoglycan N-Acetylglucosamine Deacetylase Bc1974 and Its Complexes with Zinc Metalloenzyme Inhibitors. Biochemistry. 2018 Feb 6;57(5):753-763. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00919. Epub 2018 Jan 5.PMID: 29257674

Saxena A, Stevens J, Cetin H, Koneczny I, Webster R, Lazaridis K, Tzartos S, Vrolix K, Nogales-Gadea G, Machiels B, Molenaar PC, Damoiseaux J, De Baets MH, Simon-Keller K, Marx A, Vincent A, Losen M, Martinez-Martinez P. Characterization of an anti-fetal AChR monoclonal antibody isolated from a myasthenia gravis patient. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 31;7(1):14426. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14350-8.PMID: 2908 9519 Free PMC article.

Giastas P, Zouridakis M, Tzartos SJ. Understanding structure-function relationships of the human neuronal acetylcholine receptor: insights from the first crystal structures of neuronal subunits. Br J Pharmacol. 2018 Jun;175(11):1880-1891. doi: 10.1111/bph.13838. Epub 2017 Jun 20.PMID: 28452148 Free PMC article. Review.


Vulfius CA, Kasheverov IE, Kryukova EV, Spirova EN, Shelukhina IV, Starkov VG, Andreeva TV, Faure G, Zouridakis M, Tsetlin VI, Utkin YN. Pancreatic and snake venom presynaptically active phospholipases A2 inhibit nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. PLoS One. 2017 Oct 12;12(10):e0186206. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186206. eCollection 2017.PMID: 29023569 Free PMC article.

Tzartos JS, Stergiou C, Daoussis D, Zisimopoulou P, Andonopoulos AP, Zolota V, Tzartos SJ. Antibodies to aquaporins are frequent in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2017 Dec 1;56(12):2114-2122. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kex328.PMID: 28968830

Lazaridis K, Dalianoudis I, Baltatzidi V, Tzartos SJ. Specific removal of autoantibodies by extracorporeal immunoadsorption ameliorates experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis. J Neuroimmunol. 2017 Nov 15;312:24-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2017.09.001. Epub 2017 Sep 6.PMID: 28912035

Altıokka-Uzun G, Erdağ E, Baykan B, Tzartos J, Gezen-Ak D, Samancı B, Dursun E, Zisimopoulou P, Karagiorgou K, Stergiou C, Şahin E, Ekizoğlu E, Kürtüncü M, Tüzün E. Glial and neuronal antibodies in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Neurol Sci. 2017 Oct;38(10):1817-1822. doi: 10.1007/s10072-017-3066-7. Epub 2017 Jul 21.PMID: 28733756

Cordts I, Bodart N, Hartmann K, Karagiorgou K, Tzartos JS, Mei L, Reimann J, Van Damme P, Rivner MH, Vigneron A, Weis J, Schulz JB, Tzartos SJ, Claeys KG. Screening for lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4-, agrin-, and titin-antibodies and exploring the autoimmune spectrum in myasthenia gravis. J Neurol. 2017 Jun;264(6):1193-1203. doi: 10.1007/s00415-017-8514-z. Epub 2017 May 17.PMID: 28516329

Hong Y, Zisimopoulou P, Trakas N, Karagiorgou K, Stergiou C, Skeie GO, Hao HJ, Gao X, Owe JF, Zhang X, Yue YX, Romi F, Wang Q, Li HF, Gilhus NE, Tzartos SJ. Multiple antibody detection in 'seronegative' myasthenia gravis patients. Eur J Neurol. 2017 Jun;24(6):844-850. doi: 10.1111/ene.13300. Epub 2017 May 4.PMID: 28470860

Kruger JM, Karussis D, Zisimopoulou P, Petrou P. Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein 4-Positive Myasthenia Gravis in a Double-Seronegative, Electromyography-Negative Patient. J Neuroophthalmol. 2017 Sep;37(3):285-286. doi: 10.1097/WNO.0000000000000499.PMID: 28350570


Lykhmus O, Koval L, Pastuhova D, Zouridakis M, Tzartos S, Komisarenko S, Skok M. The role of carbohydrate component of recombinant α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor extracellular domain in its immunogenicity and functional effects of resulting antibodies. 2016 Immunobiology;221(12):1355-1361. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2016.07.012.

Kouvatsos N, Giastas P, Chroni-Tzartou D, Poulopoulou C, TzartosSJ. Crystal structure of a human neuronal nAChR extracellular domain in pentameric assembly: Ligand-bound α2 homopentamer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Aug 23;113(34):9635-40. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1602619113.

Gilhus NE, Skeie GO, Romi F, Lazaridis K, Zisimoupoulou P, and Tzartos S. Myasthenia gravis-autoantibody characteristics and their implications for therapy. Nat. Rev. Neurol. 2016; 12(5):259-68. doi: 10.1038/nrneurol.2016.44. Epub 2016 Apr 22. Review

Küçükerden M, Huda R, Tüzün E, Yılmaz A, Skriapa L, Trakas N, T. Strait R, Finkelman FD, Kabadayı S, Zisimopoulou P, TzartosS, Christadoss P. MuSK induced experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis does not require IgG1 antibody to MuSK. J. Neuroimmunol. 2016. Jun 15;295-296:84-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2016.04.003.

Stergiou C, Lazaridis K, Zouvelou V, Tzartos J, Mantegazza R, Antozzi C, Andreetta F, Evoli A, Deymeer F, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Durmus H, Brenner T, Vaknin A, Berrih-Aknin S, Behin A, Sharshar T, De Baets M, Losen M, Martinez-Martinez P, Kleopa KA, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Kyriakides T, Kostera-Pruszczyk A, Szczudlik P, Szyluk B, Lavrnic D, Basta I, Peric S, Tallaksen C, Maniaol A, Gilhus NE, Casasnovas Pons C, Pitha J, Jakubíkova M, Hanisch F, Bogomolovas J, Labeit D, Labeit S, TzartosSJ.Titin antibodies in “seronegative” myasthenia gravis – A new role for an old antigen, J. Neuroimmunology, 2016. 292: 108-115. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2016.01.018.


Lykhmus O, Voytenko L, Koval L, Mykhalskiy S, Cholin V, Peschana K, Zouridakis M, Tzartos S, Komisarenko S and Skok M. α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor-Specific Antibody Induces Inflammation And Amyloid β42 Accumulation In The Mouse Brain To Impair Memory. Plos-1, 2015 Mar 27;10(3):e0122706. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122706.

Maurer M, Bougoin S, Feferman T, Frenkian M, Bismuth J, Mouly V, Clairac G, Tzartos S, Fadel E, Eymard B, Fuchs S, Souroujon MC, Berrih-Aknin S. IL-6 and Akt are involved in muscular pathogenesis in myasthenia gravis. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2015 Jan 15;3(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s40478-014-0179-6.

Azam L, Papakyriakou A, Zouridakis M, Giastas P, Tzartos SJ, McIntosh JM. Molecular Interaction of α-Conotoxin RgIA with the Rat α9α10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor.Mol Pharmacol. 2015 May;87(5):855-64. doi: 10.1124/mol.114.096511. Epub 2015 Mar 4. PMID:25740413

Arnaouteli S, Giastas P, Andreou A, Tzanodaskalaki M, Aldridge C, Tzartos SJ, Vollmer W, Eliopoulos E, Bouriotis V. Two putative polysaccharide deacetylases are required for osmotic stability and cell shape maintenance in Bacillus anthracis. J Biol Chem. 2015 Mar 30.pii: jbc.M115.640029. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:25825488

Yilmaz V, Oflazer P, Aysa F, Durmus H, Poulas K, Parman Y, Tzartos S, Tuzun E, Deymeer F, Saruhan-Direskeneli G. Differential cytokine changes in patients with myasthenia gravis with antibodies against AChR and MuSK. PLOS-1. 2015; 10(4):e0123546. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123546

Özkök E, Durmus H, Yetimler B, Taslı H, Trakas N, Ulusoy C, Lagoumintzis G, Tzartos S, and Tüzün E: Reduced muscle mitochondrial enzyme activity in MuSK-immunized mice. Clinical Neuropathology. 2015 Nov-Dec;34(6):359-63. doi: 10.5414/NP300875.

Ulusoy C, Zibandeh N, Yıldırım S, Trakas N, Zisimopoulou P, Küçükerden M, Tașlı H, TzartosS, Göker K, Tüzün E, Akkoç T. Dental follicle mesenchymal stem cell administration ameliorates muscle weakness in MuSK-immunized mice. J Neuroinflammation. 2015 Dec 9;12(1):231. doi: 10.1186/s12974-015-0451-0.

Tsonis AI, Zisimopoulou P, Lazaridis K, Tzartos J, Matsigkou E, Zouvelou V, Mantegazza R, Antozzi C, Andreetta F, Evoli A, Deymeer F, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Durmus H, Brenner T, Vaknin A, Berrih-Aknin S, Behin A, Sharshar T, De Baets M, Losen M, Martinez-Martinez P, Kleopa KA, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Kyriakides T, Kostera-Pruszczyk A, Szczudlik P, Szyluk B, Lavrnic D, Basta I, Peric S, Tallaksen C, Maniaol A, Casasnovas Pons C, Pitha J, Jakubíkova M, Hanisch F, TzartosSJ. MuSK autoantibodies in myastheniagravis detected by cell based assay-A multinational study. J Neuroimmunol. 2015 Jul 15;284:10-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2015.04.015.

Lykhmus O, Gergalova G, Zouridakis M, Tzartos S, Komisarenko S, Skok M. Inflammation decreases the level of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain mitochondria and makes them more susceptible to apoptosis induction. Int Immunopharmacol. 2015 Nov;29(1):148-51. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2015.04.007.

Tuzun E, Berrih-Aknin S, Brenner T, Kusner LL, Le Panse R, Yang H, Tzartos S, Christadoss P. Guidelines for standard preclinical experiments in the mouse model of myasthenia gravis induced by acetylcholine receptor immunization. Exp Neurol. 2015 Feb 16. pii: S0014-4886(15)00032-1. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.02.009.

Kusner LL, Losen M, Vincent A, Lindstrom J, Tzartos S, Lazaridis K, Martinez-Martinez P. Guidelines for pre-clinical assessment of the acetylcholine receptor-specific passive transfer myasthenia gravis model-Recommendations for methods and experimental designs. Exp Neurol. 2015 Mar 3.pii: S0014-4886(15)00055-2. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.02.025.

Losen M, Martinez-Martinez P, Molenaar PC, Lazaridis K, Tzartos S, Brenner T, Duan RS, Luo J, Lindstrom J, Kusner L. Standardization of the experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG) model by immunization of rats with Torpedo californica acetylcholine receptors – Recommendations for methods and experimental designs. Exp Neurol. 2015 Mar 18.pii: S0014-4886(15)00078-3. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.03.010.


Zouvelou V, Zisimopoulou P, Psimenou E, Matsigkou E, Stamboulis E, Tzartos SJ. AChR-myasthenia gravis switching to double-seropositive several years after the onset.J. Neuroimmunol. 2014 Feb 15;267(1-2):111-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2013.12.012.

Tsivgoulis G, Dervenoulas G, Tzartos SJ, Zompola C, Papageorgiou SG, Voumvourakis K. Double seropositive myasthenia gravis with acetylocholine receptor and lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 antibodies. Muscle and Nerve.2014 Jan 7.doi: 10.1002/mus.24166.

Zis P, Argiriadou V, Temperikidis PP, Zikou L, Tzartos SJ, Tavernarakis A. Parkinson’s disease associated with myasthenia gravis and rheumatoid arthritis. Neurol. Sci.(Letter to the Editor). Published on line 2-7-2014. DOI 10.1007/s10072-014-1660-5

Marino M, Maiuri MT, Di Sante G, Scuderi F, La Carpia F, Trakas N, Provenzano C, Zisimopoulou P, Ria F, Tzartos SJ, Evoli A, Bartoccioni E. T cell repertoire in DQ5-positive MuSK-positive myasthenia gravis patients. J Autoimmun. 2014 Jan 4.pii: S0896-8411(13)00154-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2013.12.007.

Avidan N, Le Panse R; Harbo H, Bernasconi P, Poulas K, Ginzburg E; Cavalcante P, Colleoni L; Baggi F, Antozzi C, Truffault F, Horn-Saban S, Pöschel S, Zagoriti Z, Maniaol A, Lie B; Bernard I, Saoudi A, Illes Z, Casasnovas C, Melms A, Tzartos S; Willcox N, Kostera-Pruszczyk A, Tallaksen C, Mantegazza R, Berrih-Aknin S, Miller A. VAV1 and BAFF, via NFκB pathway, are genetic risk factors for Myasthenia Gravis. 2014 Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology,1(5):329-39. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51

Ulusoy C, Kim E, Tüzün E, Huda R, Yılmaz V, Poulas K, Trakas N, Skriapa L, Niarchos A, Strait RT, Finkelman FD, Turan S, Zisimopoulou P, Tzartos S, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Christadoss P. Preferential production of IgG1, IL-4 and IL-10 in MuSK-immunized mice. Clin Immunol. 2014 Feb 28.pii: S1521-6616(14)00049-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2014.02.012.

Tuzun E., Tzartos J., Ekizoglu E., Stergiou C., Zisimopoulou P., Çoban A., Shugaiv E., Türkoglu R., Kürtüncü M., Baykan B., Tzartos S. Title: Aquaporin-1 Antibody in Neuromyelitis Optica Patients. European Neurology, 2014. Eur Neurol. 2014 Sep 27;72(5-6):271-272.

Kouvatsos N, Niarchos A, Zisimopoulou P, Eliopoulos E, Poulas K, and Tzartos S. Purification and functional characterization of a truncated human α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Int. J Biol Macromol, 2014 Jul 8. pii: S0141-8130(14)00441-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.06.058.

Boltsis I, Lagoumintzis G, Chatzileontiadou DSM, Giastas P, Tzartos SJ, Leonidas DD, and Poulas K. Non-contact Current Transfer Induces the Formation and Improves the X-ray Diffraction Quality of Protein Crystals. 2014 Cryst.Growth Des. DOI: 10.1021/cg5004098

Zouridakis M, Giastas P, Zarkadas E, Chroni-Tzartou D, Bregestovski P and Tzartos SJ. Crystal structures of the free and antagonist-bound states of the extracellular domain of human α9 nicotinic receptor. 2014. Nat. Struct & Mol. Biol. doi:10.1038/nsmb.2900.

Tsivgoulis G, Dervenoulas G, Kokotis P, Zompola C, Tzartos J, Tzartos SJ, Voumvourakis KI. Double seronegative myasthenia gravis with low density lipoprotein-4 (LRP4) antibodies presenting with isolated ocular symptoms. 2014. J. Neurol. Sci. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2014.09.013.

Kordas G, Lagoumintzis G, Sideris S, Poulas K and Tzartos SJ.Direct proof of the in vivo pathogenic role of the AChR autoantibodies from myasthenia gravis patients.PLOS-1.2014. Sep 26;9(9):e108327. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108327.

Skriapa L, Zisimopoulou P, Trakas N, Grapsa E, Tzartos SJ. Expression of extracellular domains of Muscle Spesific Kinase (MuSK) and use as immunoadsorbents for the development of an antigen specific therapy. 2014. J. Neuroimmunol. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.09.013

Lazaridis K, Evaggelakou P, Bendenidi E, Sideri A, Grapsa E and Tzartos S.J. Specific adsorbents for myasthenia gravis autoantibodies using mutants of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor extracellular domains. J. Neuroimmunol. 2015 Jan 15;278:19-25. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.12.001. Kouvatsos N, Niarchos A, Zisimopoulou P, Eliopoulos E, Poulas K, and Tzartos S. Purification and functional characterization of a truncated human α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Int. J Biol Macromol, 2014 Jul 8. pii: S0141-8130(14)00441-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.06.058.

Boltsis I, Lagoumintzis G, Chatzileontiadou DSM, Giastas P, Tzartos SJ, Leonidas DD, and Poulas K. Non-contact Current Transfer Induces the Formation and Improves the X-ray Diffraction Quality of Protein Crystals. 2014 Cryst.Growth Des. DOI: 10.1021/cg5004098

Zouridakis M, Giastas P, Zarkadas E, Chroni-Tzartou D, Bregestovski P and Tzartos SJ. Crystal structures of the free and antagonist-bound states of the extracellular domain of human α9 nicotinic receptor. 2014. Nat. Struct & Mol. Biol. doi:10.1038/nsmb.2900.

Tsivgoulis G, Dervenoulas G, Kokotis P, Zompola C, Tzartos J, Tzartos SJ, Voumvourakis KI. Double seronegative myasthenia gravis with low density lipoprotein-4 (LRP4) antibodies presenting with isolated ocular symptoms. 2014. J. Neurol. Sci. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2014.09.013.

Kordas G, Lagoumintzis G, Sideris S, Poulas K and Tzartos SJ.Direct proof of the in vivo pathogenic role of the AChR autoantibodies from myasthenia gravis patients.PLOS-1.2014. Sep 26;9(9):e108327. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108327.

Skriapa L, Zisimopoulou P, Trakas N, Grapsa E, Tzartos SJ. Expression of extracellular domains of Muscle Spesific Kinase (MuSK) and use as immunoadsorbents for the development of an antigen specific therapy. 2014. J. Neuroimmunol. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.09.013

Lazaridis K, Evaggelakou P, Bendenidi E, Sideri A, Grapsa E and Tzartos S.J. Specific adsorbents for myasthenia gravis autoantibodies using mutants of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor extracellular domains. J. Neuroimmunol. 2015 Jan 15;278:19-25. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.12.001.


Zouvelou V, Stamboulis E, Skriapa L, Tzartos SJ. MuSK-Ab positive myasthenia: Not always grave. J Neurol Sci. 2013, 15;331(1-2):150-1.

Zouvelou V, Kyriazi S, Rentzos M, Belimezi M, Micheli MA, Tzartos SJ, Stamboulis E. Double-seropositive myasthenia gravis. Muscle Nerve. 2013, 47(3):465-6.

Zouvelou V, Zisimopoulou P, Rentzos M, Karandreas N, Evangelakou P, Stamboulis E, Tzartos SJ. Double seronegative myasthenia gravis with anti-LRP 4 antibodies.Neuromuscul Disord. 2013 Jul;23(7):568-70.

Tzartos JS, Stergiou Ch, Kilidireas K, Zisimopoulou P, Thomaidis T, and Tzartos SJ, Aquaporin-1 autoantibodies in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. PLOS-1, 2013.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074773.

Lagoumintzis G, Zisimopoulou P, Trakas N, Grapsas E, Poulas K and Tzartos SJ (2013). Scale up and safety parameters of antigen specific immunoadsorption of human anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies. J. Neuroimmunol. 2014; 267(1-2):1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim. 2013.11.001. Epub 2013 Nov 10.

Zisimopoulou P, Evangelakou P, Tzartos J, Lazaridis K, Zouvelou V, Mantegazza R, Antozzi C, Andreetta F, Evoli A, Deymeer F, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Durmus H, Brenner T, Vaknin A, Berrih-Aknin S, Frenkian Cuvelier M, Stojkovic T, Debaets M, Losen M, Martinez-Martinez P, Kleopa KA, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Kyriakides T, Kostera-Pruszczyk A, Szczudlik P, Szyluk B, Lavrnic D, Basta I, Peric S, Tallaksen C, Maniaol A, & Tzartos SJ. A comprehensive analysis of the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of anti-LRP4 in myasthenia gravis. J. Autoimmunity. 2013. Epub ahead of print. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaut.2013.12.004

Vrolix K, Fraussen J, Losen M, Stevens J, Lazaridis K, Molenaar PC, Somers V, Bracho MA, Le Panse R, Stinissen P, Berrih-Aknin S, Maessen JG, Van Garsse L, Buurman WA, Tzartos SJ, De Baets MH, Martinez-Martinez P. Clonal heterogeneity of thymic B cells from early-onset myasthenia gravis patients with antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor. J. Autoimmunity. 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2013.12.008.

Lazaridis K, Zisimopoulou P, Giastas P, Bitzopoulou K, Evangelakou P; Sideri A, Tzartos SJ. Expression of human AChR extracellular domain mutants with improved characteristics. 2014 J Biol. Macromol;63:210-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2013.11.003. Epub 2013 Nov 15

Niarchos A, Zouridakis M, Douris V, Georgostathi A, Kalamida D, Sotiriadis A, Poulas K, Iatrou K.. Tzartos SJ. Expression of a highly antigenic and native-like folded extracellular domain of the human α1 subunit of muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, suitable for use in antigen specific therapies for Myasthenia Gravis. 2013 PLOS-1; 8(12):e84791. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084791

Tzartos JS, Zisimopoulou P, Rentzos M, Karandreas N, Zouvelou V, Evangelakou P, Tsonis A, Thomaidis T, Lauria G, Andreetta F, Mantegazza R, Tzartos SJ. LRP4 antibodies in serum and CSF from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Ann. Clin Transl Neurol. Dec. 2013. doi: 10.1002/acn3.26.

Zisimopoulou P, Brenner T, Trakas N, Tzartos SJ. Serological diagnostics in myasthenia gravis based on novel assays and recently identified antigens. Autoimmun Rev. 2013 Jul;12(9):924-30.

Zagoriti Z, Kambouris M, Patrinos GP, Tzartos S, and Poulas K. (2013). Recent advances in genetic predisposition of myasthenia gravis. BioMed Res Int. Epub 2013 Nov 5.


Zagoriti Z, Georgitsi M, Giannakopoulou O, Ntellos F, Tzartos SJ, Patrinos GP, Poulas K. Genetics of myasthenia gravis: a case-control association study in the Hellenic population. Clin Dev Immunol. 2012;2012:484919. doi:10.1155/2012/484919. Epub 2012 Sep 25.

Poulas K, Koutsouraki E, Kordas G, Kokla A, Tzartos SJ. Anti-MuSK- and anti-AChR-positive myasthenia gravis induced by d-penicillamine. J Neuroimmunol. 2012 Sep 15;250(1-2):94-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2012.05.011.

Tzartos, J., C. Stergiou, H. Alexopoulos, P. Zisimopoulou, C. Karageorgiou, K. Kilintireas, M. Dalakas, and S. Tzartos, (2012) Highly Sensitive Radioimmunoassay Identifies Anti-Aquaporin-4 Autoantibodies in Several “Seronegative” Patients Suspected for Neuromyelitis Optica-Spectrum Disorders (NMO). Neurology, 78, P02133.

Zhang, B., J.S. Tzartos, M. Belimezi, S. Ragheb, B. Bealmear, R.A. Lewis, W.C. Xiong, R.P. Lisak, S.J. Tzartos, and L. Mei, (2012) Autoantibodies to Lipoprotein-Related Protein 4 in Patients With Double-Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis. Archives of Neurology. 69(4): p. 445-451.


Trakas, N., P. Zisimopoulou, and S.J. Tzartos, Development of a highly sensitive diagnostic assay for muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK) autoantibodies in myasthenia gravis. 2011 Journal of Neuroimmunology. 240: p. 79-86.

Koval, L., O. Lykhmus, O. Kalashnyk, N. Bachinskaya, G. Kravtsova, M. Soldatkina, M. Zouridakis, C. Stergiou, S. Tzartos, V. Tsetlin, S. Komisarenko, and M. Skok, (2011) The Presence and Origin of Autoantibodies Against alpha 4 and alpha 7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in the Human Blood: Possible Relevance to Alzheimer’s Pathology. Journal of Alzheimers Disease. 25(4): p. 747-761.

Lykhmus, O., L. Koval, M. Skok, M. Zouridakis, P. Zisimopoulou, S. Tzartos, V. Tsetlin, S. Granon, J.P. Changeux, S. Komisarenko, and I. Cloez-Tayarani, (2011) Antibodies against Extracellular Domains of alpha4 and alpha7 Subunits Alter the Levels of Nicotinic Receptors in the Mouse Brain and Affect Memory: Possible Relevance to Alzheimer’s Pathology. Journal of Alzheimers Disease. 24(4): p. 693-704.

Pavlakis, P.P., H. Alexopoulos, M.L. Kosmidis, E. Stamboulis, J.G. Routsias, S.J. Tzartos, A.G. Tzioufas, H.M. Moutsopoulos, and M.C. Dalakas, (2011) Peripheral neuropathies in Sjogren syndrome: a new reappraisal. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 82(7): p. 798-802.

Stergiou, C., P. Zisimopoulou, and S.J. Tzartos, (2011) Expression of Water-soluble, Ligand-binding Concatameric Extracellular Domains of the Human Neuronal Nicotinic Receptor alpha 4 and beta 2 Subunits in the Yeast Pichia pastoris; glycosylation is not required for ligand binding. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286(11): p. 8884-8892.


Keefe, D., C. Parng, D. Lundberg, S. Ray, J. Martineau-Bosco, C. Leng, S. Tzartos, J. Powell, M. Concino, M. Heartlein, J. Lamsa, and S. Josiah, (2010) In vitro characterization of an acetylcholine receptor-transferrin fusion protein for the treatment of myasthenia gravis. Autoimmunity. 43(8): p. 628-639.

Lagoumintzis, G., P. Zisimopoulou, G. Kordas, K. Lazaridis, K. Poulas, and S.J. Tzartos, (2010) Recent approaches to the development of antigen-specific immunotherapies for myasthenia gravis. Autoimmunity. 43(5-6): p. 436-445.

Gattenlohner, S., H. Jorissen, M. Huhn, A. Vincent, D. Beeson, S. Tzartos, A. Mamalaki, B. Etschmann, H.K. Muller-Hermelink, E. Koscielniak, S. Barth, and A. Marx, A Human Recombinant Autoantibody-Based Immunotoxin Specific for the Fetal Acetylcholine Receptor Inhibits Rhabdomyosarcoma Growth In Vitro and in a Murine Transplantation Model. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Art. No. 187621.


Keefe, D., Hess, D., Dosco, J., Tzartos, S., Powell, J., Lamsa. J., and Josiah, S. (2009) A rapid, fluorescence based assay for detecting antigenic modulation of the acetylcholine receptor on human cell lines. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 76(3):206-12.

Zouridakis M, Zisimopoulou P, Eliopoulos E, Poulas K, and Tzartos SJ (2009) Design and expression of human α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor extracellular domain mutants with enhanced solubility and ligand-binding properties. Bioch. Bioph. Acta. 1794: 355-66.

Tsiamalos, P., Kordas, G., Kokla, A., Poulas, K., and Tzartos, S.J. (2009). Epidemiological and immunological profile of MuSK myasthenia gravis in Greece. Eur. J. Neurol. 16: 925-30.

Lykhmus, O , Koval, L., Pavlovych, S., Zouridakis, M., Zisimopoulou, P., Tzartos, S., Tsetlin, V., Volpina, O., Cloëz-Tayarani, I., Komisarenko, S., and Skok, M. (2009) Functional effects of antibodies against non-neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Immunol. Lett. 128(1):68-73.

Gattenlohner, S, Jörißen, H., Huhn, M., Vincent, A., Beeson, D., Tzartos, S., Mamalaki, A., Etschmann, B., Müller-Hermelink, H.K., Koscielniak, E., Barth S.and Marx, A. (2009). A human recombinant autoantibody-based immunotoxin specific for the fetal acetylcholine receptor inhibits rhabdomyosarcoma growth in vitro and in a murine transplantation model. J. Biomed. Biotech. 2010:187621. doi: 10.1155/2010/187621

Keefe, D., Parng , C., Lundberg, D., Ray, S., Martineau-Bosc, J., Leng, C., Tzartos, S., Powell , J., Concino, M., Michael Heartlein, M., Lamsa. J., and Josiah, S. (2010). In vitro characterization of an acetylcholine receptor-transferrin fusion protein for the treatment of Myasthenia Gravis. Autoimmunity, 43(8):628-39


Konstantakaki, M, Tzartos, S.J., Poulas, K. and Eliopoulos, E. (2008). Μodel of the extracellular domain of the human α7 nAChR based on the crystal structure of the mouse α1 nAChR extracellular domain. J. Mol. Graph Modelling. 26: 1333-7.

Bitzopoulou, K., ,Kostelidou, K., Poulas, K and Tzartos, S.J. (2008) Expression and characterization of mutant forms of the extracellular domain of the human AChR gamma-subunit with improved solubility and enhanced antigenicity. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 1784: 1226-33.

Zisimopoulou, P., Lagoumintzis, G., Poulas, K. and Tzartos, S.J. (2008). Antigen-specific apheresis of human anti-acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies from myasthenia gravis patients’ sera using Escherichia coli-expressed receptor domains. J. Neuroimmmunol. 200: 133-141.

Yi, H.J., Chae, C.S., So, J.S., Tzartos, S.J. Souroujon MC, Fuchs, S., Im, SH (2008) Suppression of experimental myasthenia gravis by a B-cell epitope-free recombinant acetylcholine receptor. Mol. Immunol. 461:192-201.


Konstantakaki, M., Tzartos, S.J., Poulas, K., and Eliopoulos, E. (2007) Molecular modeling of the complex between Torpedo acetylcholine receptor and anti-MIR Fab198. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 356:569-75.

Sideris, S., Lagoumintzis, G., Kordas, G., Kostelidou, K., Sotiriadis, A, Poulas, K. and Tzartos, S.J. (2007) Isolation and functional characterization of anti-acetylcholine receptor subunit-specific autoantibodies from myasthenic patients: receptor loss in cell culture. J. Neuroimmunol. 189:111-7.

Zouridakis, M., Kostelidou, K., Sotiriadis, A., Stergiou, Ch. Eliopoulos, E., Poulas, K., and Tzartos, S. (2007) Circular Dichroism Studies of Recombinant Extracellular Domains of Human Muscle and Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Provide an Insight into their structure. Intl. J. Biol. Macromol. 41:423-9.

Kostelidou, K., Trakas,N. and Tzartos, S.J. (2007) Extracellular domains of the β, γ and ε subunits of the human acetylcholine receptor as immunoadsorbents for myasthenic autoantibodies: a combination of immunoadsorbents results in increased efficiency. J. Neuroimmmunol. 190:44-52


Kostelidou, K., Trakas,N., Zouridakis, M., Bitzopoulou, K., Sotiriadis,A., Gavra, H., and Tzartos, S.J. (2006). Expression and characterization of soluble forms of the extracellular domains of the β, γ and ε subunits of the human muscle acetylcholine receptor. FEBS J. 273: 3557-3568

Fostieri, E., Tzartos, S.J., Berrih-Aknin, S., Beeson, D. and Mamalaki A. (2005) Isolation of potent human Fab fragments against a novel highly immunogenic region on human muscle acetylcholine receptor, which protect the receptor from myasthenic autoantibodies. Eur. J. Immunol. 35:632-643.


Protopapadakis, E., Kokla, A., Tzartos, S.J. and Mamalaki, A (2005) Isolation and characterization of human anti-acetylcholine receptor monoclonal antibodies from transgenic mice expressing human immunoglobulin loci. Eur. J. Immunol. 35:1960-68.

Guyon, S., Christadoss, P., Lepanse, R, Guyon, T, DePoea Baets, M., Wakkach, A., Bidault, J., Tzartos, S., and Berrih-Aknin, S. (2005) Effects of cytokines on AChR expression. Implications for myasthenia gravis. J. Immunol. 174: 5941-49.

Psaridi-Linardaki, L., Mamalaki, A., Trakas, N. and Tzartos, S.J. (2005) Specific immunoadsorption of the autoantibodies from myasthenic patients using the extracellular domain of the human muscle acetylcholine receptor α-subunit. Development of an antigen-specific therapeutic strategy. J. Neuroimmunol. 159:183-91.

Avramopoulou, V., Mamalaki, A., Tzartos, S.J. (2004) Soluble, oligomeric and ligand-binding extracellular domain of human alpha7 acetylcholine receptor expressed in yeast. Replacement of the hydrophobic cys-loop by the hydrophilic loop of ACh-binding protein enhances protein solubility. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 38287-93.

Marinou, M. and Tzartos, S.J. (2003). Identification of regions involved in the binding of α-Bungarotoxin to the human α7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor using synthetic peptides. Biochem. J. 372, 543-554.

Phan-Chan-Du, A., Hemmerlin, C., Krikorian, D., Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M., Tsikaris, V., Sakarellos, C., Marinou. M.,Thureau, A., Cung, M.T. and Tzartos, S.J. (2003). Solution conformation of the antibody-bound tyrosine phosphorylation site of the nicotinic acetylcholine -subunit in its phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated states. Biochemistry, 42:7371-7380.

Campos, E.C., Schiavi, C., Bolognesi, A., Bellusci, C., Lubelli, C., Duca, A., Polito, L., Vismara, S., Poulas, K., Tzartos, S.I., and Stirpe, F. (2002). Selective lesions of rabbit extraocular muscles injected with the anti-AChR immunotoxin saporin-mAb 73. Curr. Eye Res. 24: 58-65.

Psaridi-Linardaki, L.,Mamalaki, A., Remoundos, M. and Tzartos, S.J. (2002). Expression of soluble ligand- and antibody-binding extracellular subunit in yeast Pichiadomain of human muscle acetylcholine receptor α- pastoris. Role of glycosylation in α-bungarotoxin binding. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 26980-6.

Μetaxas, A., Tzartos, S., Liakopoulou-Kyriakide, M. (2002). The production of anti-hexapeptide antibodies which recognize the S7, L6 and L13 ribosomal proteins of Escherichia coli. J Pept Sci. 8:118-24.

Tataridis, D., Kolocouris, A., Fytas, G., Kolocouris, N., Foscolos, G.B., Poulas, K. and Tzartos, S.J. (2002).Mounting the nicotinic pharmacophoric structural elements in an homoadamantane scaffold: synthesis, molecular modeling and binding affinities to α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. IL Farmaco. 57:979-984.

Poulas, K. and Tzartos, S.J (2001). The gender gap in autoimmune disease. Letter to Lancet, 357, 234.

Poulas, K., Eliopoulos, E., Vatzaki, E., Navaza, J., Kontou, M., Oikonomakos, N., Acharya, K.R., and Tzartos, S. J. (2001). Crystal structure of Fab198, an efficient protector of acetylcholine receptor against myasthenogenic antibodies. Eur. J. Biochem. 268: 3685-3693.

Poulas, K., Tsibri, E., Papanastasiou, D., Tsouloufis, T., Marinou, M., Tsantili, P., Papapetropoulos, T., and Tzartos, S.J. (2001). Epidemiology of seropositive myasthenia gravis in Greece. J. Neurol. Neurosur. Psych. 71:352-6.

Theodorou, V.,Tsikaris, V., Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M, Avramopoulou, V., Kostelidou, K., Tzartos, S.J. and Sakarellos, C. (2001). Design, synthesis and conformational study of biologically active photolabeled analogues of the Main Immunogenic Region of the acetylcholine receptor. Biopolymers. 56: 37-46.

Trakas, N. and Tzartos, S.J. (2001) Conjugation of acetylcholine receptor-protecting Fab fragments with polyethylene glycol results in a prolonged half-life in the circulation and reduced immunogenicity. J. Neuroimmunol. 120:42-49.

Skok, M., Lykhmus, E., Bobrovnik, S., Tzartos, S.I., Tsouloufis, T., Vanderesse, R. , Coutrot, F., Cung, M.T., Marraud, M., Krikorian, D., and Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M. (2001). Structure of epitopes recognized by the antibodies to alpha (181-192) peptides of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: extrapolation to the structure of acetylcholine-binding domain. J. Neuroimmunol. 121: 59-66.

Kleinjung, J., Petit, M-C., Orlewski, P., Mamalaki, A., Tzartos, S.J., Tsikaris, V., Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M., Sakarellos, C., Marraud, M. and Cung. M.-T. (2000). The 3D structure of the complex between an Fv antibody fragment and an analogue of the main immunogenic region of the acetylcholine receptor: A combined 2D-NMR, homology and molecular modeling approach. Biopolymers. 53: 113-128

Sevin-Landais, A., Rigler, P., Tzartos, S., Hucho, F., Hovius, R. and Vogel, H. (2000). Immobilisation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in tethered lipid membranes. Biophys. Chem. 85:141-52.

Poulas, K., Tsouloufis, Th., and Tzartos S.J. (2000) Treatment of passively transferred experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis using papain. Clin. Expl. Immunol. 120:363-368.

Tsouloufis, T., Mamalaki, A., Remoundos, M. and Tzartos, S.J. (2000). Reconstitution of conformationally-dependent epitopes on the N-terminal extracellular domain of the human muscle acetylcholine receptor α-subunit expressed in E. coli. Implications for Myasthenia Gravis therapeutic approaches. Int. Immunol. 12: 1255-65.

Papanastasiou, D., Poulas, K., Kokla, A and Tzartos, S. J. (2000). Prevention of passively transferred experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis by Fab fragments of monoclonal antibodies directed against the main immunogenic region of the acetylcholine receptor. J. Neuroimmunol. 104:124-132.

Kontou, M., Leonidas, D., Vatzaki, E.H., Tsantili, P., Mamalaki, A., Oikonomakos, N.G., Acharya, K.R, and Tzartos, S. J. (2000).The crystal structure of the Fab fragment of a rat monoclonal antibody against the main immunogenic region of the human muscle acetylcholine receptor. Eur. J. Biochem. 267:2389-2397

Michalet, S., Teixeira, F., Gilquin, B., Mourier, G., Servent, S., Drevet, P., Binder, P., Tzartos, S., Ménez, A., and Kessler, P. (2000). Relative spatial position of a snake neurotoxin and the reduced disulfide bond αCys192-Cys193) at the αγ interface of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 25608-25615.

Sieb, J.P., Kraner, S., Schrank, B., Reitter, B., Goebel, H.H., Tzartos, S. J. and Steinlein, O.K. (2000). Severe congenital myasthenic syndrome due to homozygosity of the 1293insG ε-AChR subunit mutation. Ann. Neurol. 48:379-83

Fostieri, E., Beeson, D. and Tzartos, S.J. (2000). The conformation of the main immunogenic region on the α-subunit of muscle acetylcholine receptor is affected by neighboring receptor subunits. FEBS Lett. 481: 127-130.

Poulas, K., Tsibri, E., Papanastasiou, D., Tsouloufis, T., Marinou, M., Tsantili, P., Papapetropoulos, T., and Tzartos, S.J. (2000). Equal male and female incidence of myasthenia gravis. Neurology, 54, 1202-1203.


Nenninger, R., Schultz, A., Helmreich, M., Wilisch, A., Vandekerckhove, B., Hunig, T., Schalke, B., Tzartos, S.J., Kahlbacher, H., Muller-Hermelink, H. and Marx, A. (1998). Abnormal thymocyte development – Generation of autoaggressive T-cells in mixed and cortical thymomas. Lab. Invest. 78:743-753.

Tsantili, P., Tzartos, S.J. and Mamalaki, A. (1999) High affinity scFv antibody fragments protecting the human nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. J. Neuroimmunol. 94: 15-27.

Papanastasiou, D., Mamalaki, A., Eliopoulos, E., Poulas, K., Liolitsas Ch. and Tzartos, S.J. (1999). Construction and characterization of a humanized single chain Fv antibody fragment against the main immunogenic region of the acetylcholine receptor. J. Neuroimmunol. 94: 182-195.

Tzartos, S.J. and Remoundos, M. (1999). Detection of antibodies directed against the cytoplasmic region of the human acetylcholine receptor in sera from myasthenia gravis patients. Clin. Expl. Immunol. 116: 146-152.

Skok, M.V., Voitenko, L. P., Voitenko, S. V., Lykhmus, E. Yu., Kalashnik, E. N., Litvin, T. I., Tzartos S. J. and Skok, V. I. (1999). Alpha subunit composition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the rat autonomic ganglia neurons as determined with subunit-specific anti-α(181-192) peptide antibodies. Neuroscience. .93: 1436-1447.

Wilisch, A., Gutsche, S., Hoffacker, V., Schultz, A., Tzartos, S., Nix, W., Schalke, B., Schneider, C., Muller-Hermelink, H. K. and Marx A. (1999). Association of acetylcholine receptor α-subunit expression in mixed thymoma with myasthenia gravis. Neurology. 52: 1460-1466.

Schultz, A., Hoffacker, V.,Wilisch, A., Nix, W., Schalke, B., Nix, W., Tzartos, S., Muller-Hermelink, H. K. and Marx A. (1999). Neurofilament is an autoantigenic determinant in myasthenia gravis. Ann. Neurology. 46: 167-75.

Martin-Ruiz, C.M., Court, J.A., Molnar, Ε., Lee, Μ., Gotti, C., Mamalaki, A., Tsouloufis, T., Tzartos, S., Ballard, C., Perry, R.H. and Perry, E.K. (1999) Alpha 4 but not alpha 3 and 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits are lost from the temporal cortex in Alzheimer’s disease. J. Neurochem. 73: 1635-1640.

Jacobson, L., Beeson, D., Tzartos, S. and Vincent, A. (1999). Monoclonal antibodies raised against human acetylcholine receptor bind to all five subunits of the fetal isoform. J. Neuroimmunol. 98: 112-120.

Wakkach, A., Poea, S., Chastre, E., Gespach, C., Lecerf, F., De la Porte, S., Tzartos, S., Coulombe, A., and Berrih-Aknin, S. (1999). Establishment of a thymic myoid cell line: phenotypic and functional characteristics. Am. J. Pathol. 155:1229-1240

Sieb, J.P., Dorfler, P., Tzartos, S., Wewer, U., Ruegg, M.,Meyer, D., Baumann, I., Lindemuth, R., Jakschik, J. and Ries, F. (1998). Congenital myasthenic syndromes in two kinships with endplate acetylcholine receptor and utrophin deficiency. Neurology, 50: 54-61.

De la Porte, S., Chaubourt, E., Fabre, F., Poulas, K., Chapron, J., Eymard, B., Tzartos, S.J., and Koenig, J. (1998). Accumulation of acetylcholine receptors is a necessary condition for normal accumulation of acetylcholinesterase during in vivo neuromuscular synaptogenesis. Eur. J. Neurosci., 10: 1631-1643.

Barchan, D., Asher, O., Tzartos, S.J., Fuchs, S. and Souroujon, M. (1998). Modulation of the anti-acetylcholine receptor and experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis by recombinant fragments of the acetylcholine receptor. Eur. J. Immunol. 28:616-624.

Gattenloehner, S., Vincent, A., Leuschner, I., Tzartos, S., Kirchner, T., Muller-Hermelink, H.-K., Marx, A. (1998) Investigation of the acetylcholine receptor in rhabdomyosarcomas as compared with other childhood tumors. Am. J. Pathol. 152: 437-444.

Guyon, T., Wakkach, A., Klingel-Schmitt, I., Levasseur, P., Beeson, D., Asher, O., Tzartos, S.J. and Berrih-Aknin, S. (1998). Regulation of acetylcholine receptor gene expression in human myasthenia gravis muscles. Evidence for a compensatory mechanism triggered by receptor loss. J. Clin. Invest. 102: 249-263.

Orlewski, P., Marraud, M., Cung, M.T, Tsikaris, V., Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M., Sakarellos, K., Vatzaki, E. and Tzartos, S.J. (1996). Compared structures of the free AChR MIR decapeptide and the antibody-bound [A76]MIR analogue. A molecular dynamics simulation from 2D-NMR data. Biopolymers (Peptide Science). 40: 419-432.

Gotti, C., Balestra, B., Mantegazza, R., Tzartos, S., Moretti, M. & Clementi, F. (1997) Detection of antibody subpopulations in myasthenia gravis using a non radioactive new enzyme immunoassay. Muscle & Nerve, 20: 800-808.

Loutrari, H., Kokla, A., N. Trakas and Tzartos, S.J. (1997). Expression of human-Torpedo hybrid acetylcholine receptors for analyzing the antigenic specificities in myasthenic antisera. Clin. Expl. Immunol. 109, 538-546.

Andre, F., Marraud, M., Tsouloufis, T., Tzartos, S.J., Boussard, G. (1997) Triphosgene: An efficient carbonylating agent for liquid and solid-phase aza-peptide synthesis. Application to the synthesis of two aza-analogues of the AChR MIR decapeptide. J. Pep. Science . 3: 429-441

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Kontou, M., Vatzaki, E.H., Kokla, A., Acharya, K.R., Oikonomakos, N.G. and Tzartos, S.J. (1996). Characterisation, crystallisation and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of a Fab fragment of a rat monoclonal antibody with very high affinity for the human muscle acetylcholine receptor. FEBS Lett. 389: 195-198.

Wakkach, A., Guyon, T., Bruand, C., Tzartos, S., Cohen-Kaminsky, S. and Berrih-Aknin, S. (1996) Expression of acetylcholine receptor genes in human thymic epithelial cells. Implication for myasthenia gravis. J. Immunol. 157: 3752-3760.

Pappas, I.S., Sophianos, D., Tzartos, S.J. and Tsiftsoglou, A.S. (1996). Expression of memory, differentiation and repression of c-myc and p53 genes in human RD/TE-671 cells induced by a uveido-derivative of pyridine (UDP-4). Cell Growth and Differentiation. 7: 797-809.

Tsikaris, V., Sakarellos, C., Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M., Orlewski, P., Marraud, M. Cung, M.T., Vatzaki, E., and Tzartos, S.J. (1996). Construction and application of a new class of sequential oligopeptide carriers for multiple anchoring of antigenic peptides. Application to the AChR main immunogenic region. Intern. J. Biol. Macromol. 19: 195-205.

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Mapouras, D., Philippou, G., Charalabous, S., Tzartos, S.J. Balafas, A., Souvatzoglou, A. and Lymberi, P. (1995). Antibodies to acetylcholinesterase cross-reacting with thyroglobulin in myasthenia gravis and graves disease. Clin. Exp. Immunol 100: 336-343.

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Mamalaki, A., Boutou, E., Hurel, C., Patsavoudi, E., Tzartos, S.J. and Matsas, R. (1995). The BM88 antigen, a novel neuron-specific molecule, promotes the differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma cells. J. Biol. Chem. 270: 14201-14208.

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Tzartos, S.J., Valcana, C., Kouvatsou, R., and Kokla, A. (1993) The tyrosine phosphorylation site of the acetylcholine receptor β-subunit is located in a highly immunogenic epitope implicated in channel function. Antibody-probes for β subunit phosphorylation and function. EMBO J. 12, 5141-5149.

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Eleftheriou, C.S., Trakas, N., Kokla, A. and Tzartos, S.J. (1993). A group of three fibroblast secreted polypeptides suppressed by cellular ageing and interferon-γ. Bioch. Bioph. Acta. 1180, 304-312.

Detsikas, E., Tsikaris, V., Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M., Sakarellos, C., Cung, M.T., Marraud, M., Vatzaki, E. and Tzartos, S.J. (1993). Cyclic lactam analogues containing the main immunogenic region of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor. Peptide Research 6, 17-23.

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Ερευνητική ομάδα : Διάγνωση και Θεραπεία Νευροανοσολογικών Νόσων
Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής
Ερευνητική ομάδα : Δομική Νευροβιολογία (ανεξάρτητη ομάδα από τον Ιούλιο 2021)
Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής
Petros Giastas

Πέτρος Γκιάστας

Επίκουρος Καθηγητής
Σχολή Εφαρμοσμένης Βιολογίας και Βιοτεχνολογίας
Τμήμα Βιοτεχνολογίας,Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών