The Executive Board of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (H.P.I.) decides on all issues regarding the mission and strategy of the H.P.I.
In particular:
- It formulates the strategic business plan, entrusting its preparation to the General Director.
- It approves the budget, the annual report and the financial statements, upon a respective proposal by the General Director.
- It approves all expenditures, at the expense of the H.P.I.’s annual budget.
- It approves the procurement of products, services, studies and projects.
- It appoints the General Director according to article 5.2 and can terminate his mandate for grave reasons regarding his duties, following a justified decision, provided that a hearing has preceded, and that the Institut Pasteur has raised no objections.
- It appoints the deputy General Director, the Directors and Heads of the H.P.I. Departments, and can terminate their mandate, upon a respective proposal by the General Director or ex officio, for serious reasons regarding their duties, following a justified decision, and provided that a hearing has preceded.
- It appoints and can revoke two (2) members of the International Scientific Council.
- It proposes to the overseeing Ministers the formation and amendment of the H.P.I. Organizational Chart and the Internal Regulation, upon a respective proposal by the General Director or ex officio.
- It accepts donations and bequests.
- It takes disciplinary actions as Secondary Disciplinary Council, upon a respective proposal by the General Director.
The Executive Board convenes regularly six (6) times a year. It may also convene extraordinarily each time the President or the Vice President may deem it necessary or upon request of one third of the members or the General Director.
The members of the Executive Board are entitled to a reimbursement for their participation to the meetings, the amount of which is defined by a joint ministerial decision, still to be published.
All candidates must be citizens of the E.U. and, according to law 4310/2014, must have knowledge of the Greek language.