Hellenic Pasteur Institute - Pathogen Research Centre HPI - PRC

The Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI), since its establishment until today, faithful to its mission, which is the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases through Basic and Applied Research, Education and Public Health Services, has achieved significant funding, amounting to 26.2 million euros, from the Recovery and Resilience Fund, with the aim of creating a Center of Excellence to enhance research, surveillance and prevention of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

The funding of the project is part of the Pillar "Private Investments and Transformation of the Economy", which strengthens the country's research infrastructures supervised by the General Secretariat for Research & Innovation (GSRI) of the Ministry of Development.

The implementation of the project will enhance the building and technological infrastructure of HPI and will include the construction of two new buildings with modern technological infrastructure of a high level of biosecurity and specialized robotic equipment for the safe handling of microorganisms of high virulence. Particular attention will be paid so that the two new, emblematic, buildings meet the modern requirements for reducing the energy footprint and zero carbon dioxide emissions.

The project aims to strengthen basic research on pathogenic microorganisms and the study of infectious diseases that pose a threat to Public Health. It is expected to contribute to attracting young Greek researchers (brain gain), so that HPI becomes a hub of excellence for National and International scientific synergies on Infectious Diseases, thus responding to the needs of modern society to address epidemics and diseases with high mortality, as evidenced by the important role it plays in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

HPI is the oldest Greek Research Institute, which is active in basic research on Human and Animal Infections and contributes to the laboratory surveillance of important viral, bacterial and parasitic infections in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the International Network of Pasteur Institutes, with direct contribution to Public Health. Therefore, the funding of the Recovery Fund provides the opportunity for the modernization of HPI, so that it can continue its recognized national contribution, while enhancing its competitiveness in research and innovation.