Research Technological Infrastructure

Excellence in research is directly related to excellence and availability of state-of-the art technology. The research facilities in the HPI are developed to support competitive translational and basic research projects. The investigators involved in the setting up and maintenance of the various HPI research facilities strive to transform the high expertise developed to high quality advanced services provided to academia and bioindustry.

The HPI has a number of state-of-the-art research infrastructures listed below. The creation of such centralized facilities has brought together key expertise in the fields of Infectiology, Immunology and Neurobiology, as well as activities related to public health. This has promoted horizontal interactions among HPI laboratories and collaborations with other National and International Institutions.

All units invest in cutting-edge technologies to cover the demands of active competitive Biomedical Research and exploit research products and knowhow of the HPI

The last 5 Years efforts were made to upgrade existing HPI research facilities and establish new ones to host new cutting-edge technologies. These upgrades were supported by national and international grants. Highly qualified personnel support each facility and provide training andorganize institutional, national and international educational courses. Research HPI Research Facilities offer services to in-house and off-house users from Academia and Industry.

Presently, the HPI Research Infrastructure Units/Facilities presented below are supported by 4 National Infrastructure grants (i.e. BIOIMAGING.GR, INSPIRED, ELIXIR and EATRIS

See ESPA Programs