Section of Neurobiology

Section of Neurobiology

The research programs of the Section aim at understanding the function and dysfunction of the nervous and neuromuscular systems towards development of new treatments for currently incurable neurological diseases or neurotrauma, and the identification of novel biomarkers.

Studies range from molecules and structure-function relationships of neuronal receptors to cells, including stem cells and reprogramming technologies, and extend to animal models of autoimmunity, neuropathology and neuroregeneration.

Advanced light microscopy and whole animal imaging, crystallization of neuronal receptors, ligand binding studies and electrophysiology, gene and cell therapy approaches or immunotherapy constitute essential components of our research.

Department Staff
Staff Scientists
Postdoctoral Researchers
Collaborating Faculty Members
Petros Giastas

Petros Giastas

Assistant Professor
School of Applied Biology and Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology,
Agricultural University of Athens