Leandros Lefakis, PhD
Attorney at Law, LL.M
He is am member of the Athens Bar Association (appointed at the Supreme Court) and he specializes in commercial and intellectual property law, both in contentious and non-contentious matters. He has particularly focused his practice in patent and biotechnology law matters. At the moment, he is managing partner of “Dr Leandros Lefakis Advocates” law firm.
Ηe was an adjunct professor of Law at the University of Central Greece (2005-2012) and a visiting professor for postgraduate courses at Panteion University of Athens. Since 2021 he teaches bio-law and bioethics in the University of West Attica.
He has represented and advised companies in cases arising from investment disputes as well as pharmaceutical companies in disputes arising from intellectual property rights and contracts. He often provides legal opinions on complex regulatory and other issues. He has, also, acted as advisor to various Governmental Organizations, Institutions of public law as well as an advisor to Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Development. Currently, is a scientific collaborator of several scientific institutions and a permanent editing collaborator of the periodical “Journal of Company Law”.
He has written four books and numerous articles in the field of biotechnology law, stem cell patents and CRISPR patents.
Eirini Fragkiadaki
Head of Department of Animal Models for Biomedical Research
Dr Eirini Fragkiadaki is Research Staff Scientist B’, Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI), Manager and Designated Veterinarian at the Department of Animal models for Biomedical Research (DAMBR) and lecturer in Transinstitutional Master Program “Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law” of Department of Philosophy of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and HPI. She has worked in farm animals clinical practice, in lab animals facilities and as research associate in EU and private research projects related to veterinary microbiology and molecular diagnosis, resulting to 16 peer-reviewed publications, 1 book chapter and several congress announcements. Her scientific interests are research ethics, veterinary care and animal welfare, refined laboratory practices, efficient management of laboratory animals’ facilities, awareness towards a culture of animal care and validated alternatives to animal research.
She is member of the Protocol Evaluation Committee, Institutional Animal Welfare Body and recently member of Occupational Health and Safety Committee of HPI and member of National Welfare Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. Since 2017 she is member of the European working group ETPLAS (Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science) focusing on the harmonization of education and training of people working with animals used for scientific purposes.
Full CV: https://pasteurwp.i-magic.grm/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/CV-Fragkiadaki-Nov-2021_LAS.pdf
OrcID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1050-0768
Niki Vassilaki
Senior Researcher of the HPI
Molecular Virology Laboratory
Dr Niki Vassilaki is a senior researcher and team leader of Molecular Virology at the Microbiology Department of Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI). She received a B.Sc. in Biology and a Ph.D. in Molecular Virology from the Department of Biology of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. In 2006-2008, having been awarded a German Academic Exchange Grant, N. Vassilaki performed research as an invited Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Molecular Virology of the University of Heidelberg (Germany), headed by Prof. Ralf Bartenschlager, on the role of the hepatitis C virus core+1 open reading frame and core cis-acting RNA structural elements in viral RNA translation and replication, using the newly developed then infectious HCV cell culture system and humanized mice. She also performed post-doctoral research in microarray platforms of EMBL GeneCore Facility (Heidelberg/Germany, 2007). Since 2008, she works as an independent investigator at HPI in the field of Flaviviridae viruses (Hepatitis C, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Zika), HBV, and SARS-CoV-2 (since 2020), focusing on mechanisms of viral genome translation/replication and viral pathogenesis as well as the discovery of anti-virals. She has coordinated an international network of studies on the interaction between host cell metabolism and viral infection under tissue normoxia (normal oxygen tensions), the role of catecholamine biosynthesis in viral infection and the discovery of broadly effective small molecule inhibitors. Her team has established efficient cell-based infectious systems of Flaviviridae viruses and HBV, simulating tissue normoxic and metabolic microenvironment. She is responsible for the qPCR Array platform of HPI.
She teaches Molecular Virology in the MSc program Clinical Biochemistry-Molecular Diagnostics of the University of Athens. She has supervised 4 PhD theses and 15 Undergraduate diploma and MSc theses, she has trained 3 Post-doc fellows, other 5 PhD students, 4 B.Sc. scientists and 4 undergraduate students. She has participated in three 3-member and three 7-member PhD Thesis advisory committees.
She has coordinated 11 granted programs (2 International, 3 Bi-national, 7 National) and subprojects of 5 grants, collaborated as a partner in 6 grants (a European, an International, 4 National).
- 50 publications in International Journals/book (46 research papers, 4 reviews), citations 1060, h-index: 17
- 1 granted patent, 1 provisional patent application
- 94 presentations in conferences (70 International, 23 Oral)
Full CV: https://pasteurwp.i-magic.grm/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/CV_Niki_Vassilaki-2022.pdf
OrcID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7992-3438
Vasiliki Pletsa
Senior Researcher of the Institute of Chemical Biology,
National Hellenic Research Foundation
Dr. Vasiliki Pletsa is Senior Researcher of the Institute of Chemical Biology, National Hellenic Research Foundation (ICB/NHRF) and Visiting Professor at the University of Thessaly (Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology) ). Her research interests focus on the mechanisms of cell death in response to DNA damage, the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis, the molecular epidemiology of cancer as well as the relationship between nutrition and cancer.
She has participated in and coordinated competitive national and European projects, published in highprofile peer-reviewed international journals (31 publications) and authored 3 book chapters. As part of a secondment, she worked at the Directorate of International R&T Cooperation (I&T) of GSRI (2008-2014) where she promoted issues related to the European Research Area (ERA) and the Europe 2020 strategy while participating in the successful implementation of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union (first semester 2014) by GSRI.
She is the principal investigator for the FUNglucan project (Research-Innovate-Create, T1EDK-03404) at NHRF and participates in the National Network of Precision Medicine in Oncology (EDIAO) as well as in OSTEOME (Research-Innovate-Create, T2EDK-03847).
She was a member of the Bioethics Committees of the Institute of Biological Research & Biotechnology
(2000-2012), Chairman of the Bioethics Committee of the Institute of Chemical Biology (2012-2020), while since 2021 she is Vice-Chair of the NHRF Research & Ethics Committee. She is a regular member of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (HSBMB), the scientific society MIKROBIOKOSMOS and the European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS), an evaluator in national and European notices and has an important contribution in education and training activities (http://bioepixirin.bio.uth.gr, http://www.med.uoc.gr/?q=metaptyxiaka/programmata/ogkologia)
She represents NHRF in the Greek Technological Platform "Food for Life" of SEBT and actively participates in actions concerning the education and communication of science to pupils, students and the general public (i.e. Researcher's Night, Athens Science Festival, NHRF Science communication Events).
Full CV: http://www.eie.gr/nhrf/institutes/ibrb/cvs/cv-pletsa-gr.pdf
OrcID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0245-0083
Ioannis Rabias
Head of the Quality Control Department,
Hellenic Pasteur Institute
Dr Ioannis Rabias is the Head of Quality Control Department of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute member of the Pasteur International Network.
- Member of the Group of Experts No. 15 for Human Vaccines and Sera of the European Pharmacopoeia
Professional experience
More than 10 years’ experience as qualified person - Market surveillance of quality appointed by the Greek Medicines Agency (EOF). More than 10 years’ experience as the GMP Quality and Production Manager for cosmetics, sterile and non-sterile pharmaceuticals, vaccines and medical devices. Current expertise in analytical methods, related to quality control of vaccines and sera for human use and in development of control methods. Batch release and market surveillance of quality of vaccines and sera for human use in a regulatory authority. Responsible for quality control procedures in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 principles.
- Supervisor and staff trainer.
- Head of Research and Development of new products.
- Teaching in seminars and lectures at NCSR Demokritos for graduates and postgraduate students in the fields of: Magnetic Materials as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) contrast agents in Tomography, Nanomedicine.
- Author in peer-reviewed journals such as ACS Nano, Biomicrofluidics, Chemistry of Materials.
- Reviewer in publications such as the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Materials Research Bulletin, Journal of Materials Science, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry, and in scientific book publications.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Materials Science Research.
Haralabia Boleti
Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory Intracellular Parasitism
Hellenic Pasteur Institute
Haralabia Boleti studied Chemistry (BSc, University of Athens), Biochemistry (M.Sc, University of Alberta, Canada) and Molecular Cell Biology (Ph.D, European Molecular Biology Laboratory /University of Heidelberg, Germany). She trained as a post-doctoral fellow (EMBO Fellowship) at the Institut Pasteur-Paris. She returned to Greece at 2000 after 14 years of study and work in International Scientific Academic Institutions with a mobility grant of the Pasteur Institute International Network. Since 2002 she is a researcher at the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI) at the Department of Microbiology. She is the leader of the Intracellular pParasitism laboratory (https://pasteurwp.i-magic.grm/en/haralabia-boleti/) and is affiliated as a co-head to the HPI-Light Microscopy Unit where she is involved in several research projects of imaging cells (fixed or live) and tissues. In her research carrier she has worked on projects related to intracellular human pathogens as the bacteria Chlamydia, the eukaryotic parasites Toxoplasma and Leishmania and the Hepatitis C virus studying aspects of pathogen host interaction. She has taught at the University (graduate courses) and has organized and taught in several courses on Advanced Light Microscopy techniques and Digital Image analysis. H Boleti (h index 12, Scopus) has published 34 articles in international peer reviewed journals (887 citations-Web of Science).
For more detailed CV please check the link provided herein. https://pasteurwp.i-magic.grm/wpcontent/uploads/2021/12/CV-H_BOLETI_Dec-2021.pdf )
Η Επιτροπή Βιοηθικής του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Παστέρ, διοργάνωσε την Πέμπτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2017, ημερίδα με τίτλο: «Ηθικές Προκλήσεις στην Έρευνα με βιολογικό υλικό», στο Αμφιθέατρο του ΕΙΠ, Υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Παιδείας Έρευνας & Θρησκευμάτων & της Γενικής Γραμματείας Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας.
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