Wide-field Time-lapse Olympus IX-81 Cell-R imaging system

A Live Cell Imaging System, composed of a wide field, inverted, fully motorized Olympus IX-81 microscope equipped with:

  • Olympus IX8S1F-ZDC stage (inverted) for DIC and phase contrast imaging.
  • a Hamamatsu CCD ORCA/AG cryocamera
  • a fast excitation filter wheel
  • Temperature and CO2 chamber
  • hardware for FRET
  • the CellR imaging software
  • air conditioning unit

which allow fast multicolor 3D imaging, transmission microscopy (phase-contrast and Nomarski-DIC), in vivo time-lapse experiments, spectral unmixing of fluorescent dyes, FRET and 3D-dencovolution analysis.