Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy

 The Hellenic Pasteur Institute (hereinafter referred to as ΗPΙ) attaches particular importance to the protection of the privacy and personal data of its website visitors.

It is pointed out that personal data means, according to the current legislation (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 / EU), only that information that concerns an identified or – based on some characteristics – identifiable natural person (data subject).

This Privacy Policy is fully compatible with the European General Regulation for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (EU / 2016/679) and the Greek Legislation and aims to inform you about the information collected during your visit to the ΗPΙ website. ΗPΙ may modify this policy at any time without notice by announcing any such modification through its website.

By navigating and using the ΗPΙ  website, visitors / users acknowledge that they have read, understood and unreservedly accepted the Data Protection Policy.

Competent body

Competent for the processing of personal data for the operational needs of this website is:


Vas. Sofias Ave. 127 11521 Athens

Tel. +30 2106478800

In the following terms you will find important information regarding the type, purpose of use of your personal data, their protection and your rights as subjects of this data.

For any clarifications you can contact the Data Protection Officer of the ΗPΙ  at


Personal data collected by the HPI website

You are not required to provide your personal information when you visit the HPI website.

When you visit the HPI website, information such as the IP address (Internet Protocol address) of your computer may be automatically collected.

This website contains links to other websites. When enabling such a link to any link, you should be aware that they have their own privacy policies. In this case, you should check the respective privacy policies when using these websites.

For more information you can see the relevant policy of the HPI for the use of cookies below or the Terms of Use.

The HPI has a page on social networking platforms such as Facebook and Linkedin, but does not process any personal data. It is possible to communicate with the administrators of the respective HPI page by sending a message. In the event that the administrator of the respective page receives messages that contain personal data of individuals, these are completely confidential and their use serves only the reason for communication with the HPI and after the fulfillment of the purpose for which they have been collected they are deleted.

The HPI does not and cannot exercise influence and control over the nature and extent of personal data collected and maintained by social networking platforms as a term or result of their use and bears no responsibility for the collection and processing of personal data. performed by them. For more information about the purposes of the collection and further processing and use of personal data by social networking platforms as well as the rights and arrangements available for the protection of your privacy and personal data, please consult the privacy policy of the respective social networking platform.

Purpose and principles of personal data collection

The HPI collects and processes the personal data of visitors / users exclusively in the context of fulfilling the purposes and functions of the website. Processing is limited to personal data that is necessary and appropriate for the fulfillment of these purposes and functions. The processing is subject to the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation, the Greek legislation and the relevant international treaties and conventions.

Use of personal data collected by the HPI

The personal data collected by the HPI, which may be sent through the pages available on various social media, are used only for the needs of communication with you and for your better service.

Cookies Policy

While browsing this website, the HPI may collect user identification information using appropriate technologies, such as cookies and / or Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking. Cookies are small pieces of text that are sent to the browser by a website visited by the user. The use of cookies makes it easier for the website to memorize information about the user’s visit, such as e.g. your preferred language, memorizing your preferences, in terms of secure search, calculating the number of visitors or facilitating registration in our services.

Cookies, when browsing the HPI website, are used only to analyze the website traffic. No further processing, promotion or exchange takes place on this data. How to control cookies:

You can control and / or delete cookies according to your wishes. Details can be found here: You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer, as well as configure most browsers to prevent the installation of cookies. However, in this case, you may need to adjust some preferences yourself each time you visit a website. The user can use the website without problems and without the use of cookies but possibly to the detriment of its usability and the operation of certain services.

Any personal data collected through cookies that can be associated with a specific visitor / user are processed exclusively for the purposes mentioned above.

Transmission / Disclosure of data to third parties

The personal data collected may be disclosed or transmitted to third parties, if this is required to fulfill obligations by law or is necessary to fulfill the purposes and functions of the website, subject to the obligations and guarantees arising from and required by applicable law. The HPI may entrust natural or legal persons with certain services and functions of the Website. Only those personal data that are necessary for the fulfillment of the assigned services are transmitted to these persons and they are committed to the HPI regarding the confidentiality and secure processing of personal data.

Data retention

The data collected by the HPI are deleted (a) if the purpose of their processing is completed, as well as (b) if you request their deletion, submitting a request to the HPI Protection Officer. Exceptionally, some of your personal data may be retained, which is deemed absolutely necessary in order for the HPI to comply with applicable law, to resolve disputes with various parties, as well as for research, historical or statistical purposes. In all of the above cases, your data will not be used for any other purpose.

Your rights regarding the processing of data concerning you

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 / EU, you have the right to receive free specific information about the data that concerns you. You also have the following rights:

  • right of access: you have the right to know what personal data the HPI collects and how it is processed
  • right to correct personal data: you have the right to update your personal data in the HPI database
  • right to be forgotten: you have the right to request the deletion of all your personal information
  • right to restrict processing: you have the right to restrict the processing of personal data
  • right to portability: you have the right to request the transfer of your data in editable form
  • right to refuse processing: you have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of personal data at any time
  • right to lodge an appeal with the supervisory authority: you have the right to lodge a complaint against the HPI with the Personal Data Protection Authority or any other authority designated by the Greek State or any supervisory authority for personal data of an EU Member State. The supervisory authority for HPI is:

Personal Data Protection Authority

Kifisias 1-3, PC 115 23, Athens

Call Center: + 30-210 6475600

Fax: + 30-210 6475628

Email: contact@

For your information and the exercise of your rights you can contact the Data Protection Officer, email: .img@.img

Confidentiality and security

The personal data collected by the HPI in the context of the operation of the website are absolutely necessary for the purposes of communicating with you. They are completely confidential and are kept only for the needs of this communication. In addition, the HPI has adequate security systems and takes all necessary and appropriate organizational and technical measures in order to prevent any breach of personal data security (leakage, disclosure, access by unauthorized persons) from its systems.

Modification of this privacy policy

This privacy policy may change whenever required and in accordance with applicable national and European law. For this reason, you are invited at regular intervals to visit this page for your own information. By navigating and using the HPI website, visitors / users acknowledge that they have read, understood and unreservedly accepted the HPI Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or if you believe that there is any ambiguity or incompatibility with this policy on the part of the HPI, please contact the HPI Data Protection Officer, email .img@.img